The Bridgebuilder Society

The Bridgebuilder Society features those donors who give between $1,000 and $9,999 to United Way.

Bridgebuilders Society Logo

Established in 1989, the Bridgebuilder Society recognizes individuals and families making annual gifts of $1,000 to $9,999. Such gifts represent a level of community participation and involvement which helps bridge the gap between the increasing needs in our community and the services available to meet them. There are nearly 2,000 local Bridgebuilders strengthening the local community through their support of United Way of the Midlands.

Linda and John Beacom

Kate and Jeff Betsworth

Melissa J. Crawford

Marvin J. Bittner

Katrina and Steve Booker

Shirley Brown

Dorothy Bryan

Teresa N. Carnazzo

Dennis P. Circo

Virginia and Kenneth Coon

John L. Eastlund

James P. and Anne C. Foley Charitable Fund

Rebensdorf Family Foundation

Robin and Jeffrey Gold

Nelson and Linda Gordman

Kathy and Michael Gross

Joel and Katie Guenther Charitable Fund

Courtney and Bradley Heisey

Christine and Bradley Hinton

Sandy and Kurt Huneke

Dawn and David Johnson

Lisa and Brian Ketcham

Susan and Gerald Knapp

Laurie L. Krone

Roger L. Lewandowski

Gabi and Mark Lutz

Jill and Jon Panzer

Tracy and Curt Schwartzkopf

Sydney E. Sowl

Kelly Staup

Willis A. Strauss

Amy and Matthew Swartwood

Jann and L.B. Thomas

Angela and William Thorell

Kevin J. Torczon

Stephen D. Torpy

Edward and Lida Robinson Charitable Trust

Shelby and Scott Vincent

Tom Walker

Verne A. Weber Jr.

Chrstine and Nicholas Wertzberger

Paul Ailslieger

Jeff Armstrong

Dwayne M. Asche

Avinash Atholi

Michael L. Atwell

Jennifer Backhaus

Representative Don Bacon

Rebecca Barta

Jennifer and Carl Bartholomew

Evan R. Bees

Sally G. Bekins

Brandy and Orion Bell

Marcie and Eric Bergquist

Pam and Richard Berry

Clarissa Beyah

Manny Bizarro

Ann Blaya

Emily and Bryan Blodgett

Sylvia and Gary Bohn

Amy and Chris Bouchard

Craig T. Callahan

Sarah and Michael Campie

Mary and Harry Capadano

Tammy and Darren Carlson

Susan and Michael Carstens

Bethany and Drew Clark

Kim and Wayne Clure

James C. Crampton

Judith Crosby

Eric Cummins

Jen Cunningham

Kim F. Duncan M.D.

Kimberly Daniels

Ellen and Kevin Dasher

Jennifer and James Davenport

Jackie and William Davis

Stephen Coffey DDS

John C. Deeble

Kimberly and Gary Devlin

Danae and Kelley Dinkel

Megan and Eric Downing

Derong Duckett

Tara and Walter Duda

Tami and Ryan Eddie

Tonya and Justin Eggspuehler

Darci L. Elam

Deirdre Elter

Stacey and Joel Falk

Karen Finkenbiner

Eric Fleming

Tom and Tamara Foley Charitabe Fund

Kerri and Darrin Freeman

Trina and Jay Frisbie

John A. Fuller

Mindy and Bryson Gibbs

Denise and Todd Gilroy

Miranda Gloden

Traci and Jeffrey Gohr

Mary Ann and Richard Gomel

Margaret and Jeff Gonka

Renee and Brian Goss

Maureen Graziano

Christa and Steve Grove

Patrick Groves

Nancy and Jerry Gruwell

Tracy L. Gulden

Debra and Jon Gum

Kathy and David Hahn

Kevin Halstead

Gary Hannibal

Lisa and Daniel Hanus

Richard A. Hardin

Andrea E. Hargus

Alison and Bryan Hearn

Teresa M. Hecker

Laura and Jon Heisterkamp

Chandra R. Henley

Katherine Anderson-Hiemstra and Doug Hiemstra

Pam Beall-Hill and Bryan Hill

Heidi M. Hoke

Molly Maguire and William Honke

Julia A. Hoult

Stephen and Zach Hubel

Becki and Jeffrey Huether

Sandra Dawn Hulm

John A. Ivester

Jason T. Jarzynka

Liz and Aaron Jensen

Cindy M. Jodlowski

Gloria and Howard Kaslow

Kevin Kavanaugh

Marla and Douglas Kellner

Theresa Kelly

Candace and David Kirkwood

Susie and Edward Kizer

Julie and Matthew Kizer

Travis Klein

Harry D. Koch

Jessica and Jeremy Koeppe

Tara and Jon Kramer

Denise and Phillip Kreski

Dana and Derek Kruse

Robin M. Lally

Robert A. Lane

Jeremy J. Lang

Cindy S. LaPole

Rick Larmore

Suzanne LeDent and Kirk Lavengood

Michelle and Gary Lebens

Michelle P. Lebens

Michelle and Joel Link

Alicia and Steven Loftus

Lisa M. Longenecker

Parul and Anil Luthra

Elizabeth H. MacCarthaigh

Fany and Carl Macchietto

Daragh Mahon

Lori and Terry Marco

Elizabeth A. Mazzotta

Denise M. McCauley

Nicole and Kevin McGovern

Elise McHatton

Deann and Don McMillen

Edward Meier

Andrea and Charles Melton

Lynne Vieceli-Miller and Paul Miller

Casey Misek

Timothy P. Moran

Melissa Moreno

Toni Lynn L. Morfeld

Robert G. Morrow

Samantha and Mitchell Mosser

Sarah and Marty Nordlund

Katherine and Grant Novak

Leonard and Esther Nowak Charitable Fund

Eric B. Oxley

Susan Seaton and John Papproth

Sheryl and Shane Parshall

Clint Pella

Danielle and Ryan Penke

Carolyn and Mark Peters

Craig Pietig

Samual Bierner and Joseph Pinson III

Craig J. Pleskac

Dean E. Poppe

Kari O’Neill-Potts and Shane Potts

Diana M. Prauner

Timothy L. Prince

Krislyn and Chad Quinley

Karen and Larry Rainwater

Sara L. Rathjen

Ronald W. Reagan

Carla and Robert Real

Mindy and Timothy Reed

Kimberly Diana Reefe

Jodi and John Rever

Ashley and Brandon Rich

Kari and David Ridder

Amber and Travis Rinehart

Angela M. Rock

Silvia Roffman

Corinne and Brent Safford

Nicole Sanchez

Christine M. Sanz

Claire and Jim Schelble

Ruth and Scott Schneider

Rachel and Ryan Schroer

Anna Shimerda

LeAnn and Darren Siekman

Pamela Skidmore

Renae Slaughter

Vanessa and Alan Smiley

Sanford V. Smith

Deb and John Steele

Karen and Jordan Stevens

Joanne M. Stewart

Kurtis R. Stewart

Steven L. Still

Holly and Christopher Stockman

Maggie and James Summerfelt

Mary L. Swanson

Darcelle and Shane Swope

Laura and Robert Tatten

Kelli and Jon Theobald

Catherine and Zach Thiemann

Brenda and Travis Thompson

Jean and John Thomsen

Robert T. Troupe

Raymond C. Turpen Jr.

Jean Ullrich

Christine and Joseph Ulrich

Kate Vavak

Julie and Yuri Veomett

Janet and Michael Vilcinskas

Leslie J. Volk

Steven Van Vossen

Sarah and Thomas Waldman

George A. Wanek

Jackie and David Warren

Tam and Philip Webb

Tricia and Mark Weber

Alan West

Kimberly and Albert Whittaker

Shayla and Daniel Wiese

Laurie L. Willburn

David G. Wilwerding

Lindsey and Andrew Wong

Henry S. Yarborough III

Anthony Youngblood

Lori and Grant Zarkowski

William Abts Jr.

Vickie and Gabe Adams

Corrigan McBride and Jerald Aguilar

Lori and Steven Aikman

Brook Aken

Rajanikanth Alaparthi

Corey C. Aldy

Karin E.I. Anderson

Harry S. Anderson

Marina and Bruce Anderson

Tammy L. Anderson

Laura L. Anderson

Roy Anderson

Jean Anderson

Larry Anderson

Amy L. Andrews

Christopher Angland

Brenda and David Anson

Tabitha Antoniak

Tawny A. Archer

Kathy and Jeremy Archer

Kim and Eric Argo

Tracy Argyle

Matthew Armbruster

Kimberly and Mark Armstrong

Jennifer and Nate Arnold

Michael Arvin

Jeffrey C. Ash

Joseph C. Ashley

Carly E. Ashley

Stephen C. Ashmore

Lori and Kim Asmus

Terry J. Atkinson

Nicki and Stacy Auman

Bonnie Austin

April A. Ayres

Kimberly Sosall-Bahr and Jeffrey Bahr

Amy S. Bailey

Michael N. Bailey

Meikyn Bailey

Juanita Bailey

Kim and Gary Baker

Claire Baker

Michael J. Ball

Brad Ball

Mark A. Baratta

K.P. Barjenbruch

Lisa Barnes

Anne Barnes

Michael T. Barry

Patrick A. Barry

Melissa E. Bartunek

Beau T. Baumert

Michael Beatie

Teresa and Christopher Beaufait

Maria L. Beckers

Laura Sparks and Michael Bednarz

Robert M. Beecham

Cody Beguin

Shirley A. Beier

Ruth Ann Belding

Benjamin Bemis

Matt Bendler

Cynthia S. Bengtson

William D. Benner

Lynn and Darren Bennett

Jodi Berck

Dale Berg

Kevin M. Bernth

Mindy Lerum-Bieck and Ryan Bieck

Leslie and Bradley Biehl

Tory M. Bishop

David Black

Karen and James Blakemore

Jamie L. Block

Deb and Marvin Blocker

Tamara M. Blum

Richard Blum

Jacqueline A. Blum

Rebecca Blum

Laura E. Boardman

Jason Boche

Lance B. Bockelman

Akanksha Bode

Todd Boehne

Bev and John Bogatz

Mark Bone

Mary C. Borowiak

James Boucher

Matthew S. Bouges

Vivekananda R. Bourampeta

Shilpa Bourampeta

James K. Bourque

Elizabeth Bouza

Scott Bowden

Patrick Boyd

Mark A. Bozarth

Kevin S. Bradley

Andrew Brady

Kimberly S. Brammer

Mary Heng-Braun and Robert Braun

Mark Bristol

Victoria and Jeffery Broderick

Susan Marie Brookhouser

Jerrold W. Brott

Tracey and Jonathan Brown

Jason L. Brown

Kathleen J. Brown

Martha Mary Bruckner

Maggie and Helmut Brugman

Rachelle and Michael Bruning

Penny E. Bryant

Clifford Buckingham

Kim and John Buckley

Melissa and Timothy Buderus

Dannie Buelt

Jacob C. Bullock

Susan and Max Burbach

Mary Kay Buresh

Rachel and Matthew Burke

Matthew Burke

JoDee M. Burke

Gregory Burke

Kathleen and Gilbert Burket

Shelley and George Burkoski

Jon W. Burlingham Sr.

Jill and Sean Burns

Kevin E. Burr

Terra and Cameron Burt

Jason H. Buus

Cecil D. Bykerk

Sripathi Bylore

John Byrnes

Cruz Cabrera

Daniel J. Caldwell

Patti and Bernard Cameli

Gary Cannon

Courtney M. Carlson

Amber and Kelly Carman

Jennie and Wils Carr

Benjamin C. Carrick

Yvonne Carter

Steven J. Caruso

Dylan Casey

Gregory P. Cassalia

Rubin Castillo

Stephen J. Cavalieri

Robyn and Kelly Caverzagie

Vidyasagar Chada

Angel Champion

Helen S. Chapple

Buzz and Becky Garlock Family Charitable

Timaree and Kurtis Charling

David H. Chicoine

Michael G. Choiniere

Cullen J. Chollett

Roberta and Phillip Christensen

Stefanie and Erik Christensen

Amy L. Christensen

Diana and Scott Christensen

David J. Ciavarella

Arnel B. Citurs

Michelle and Ryan Clark

Karen and Jeffrey Clark

Kris K. Clark

Trisha R. Clary

Kara and Nathan Coberly

Taylor Cochrane

Jessica Codr

Janet and Samuel Cohen

Chandra J. Coleman

Ronda and Philip Colling

Ward Combs

Paul Concannon

John H. Conley

Tonya Conley

Janis Connealy

Royce E. Connerley

Jan and Edmond Connolly

Kurt Cook

Liz and Shawn Cook

Sara and Martie Cordaro

Shirley and Robert Corn

Amanda and Thomas Corrigan

Christopher D. Costello

Matthew Coufal

Bart Cox

Jill J. Coyne

Katie L. Craig

Heather and Steve Craig

Douglas S. Craven

Jerad T. Croghan

Mary Crouch

Michael A. Cuadrado

Barbara Cullen

Jodi and Robert Culp

Beth and Thomas Culross

Krystal and Steve Cunningham

Amanda Currier

Christine R. Curtis

Nicholas T. Dafney

Jan and Thomas Dahlk

Alexander Dahlquist

Stephanie and Steven Daigle

Nandita and Malay Dalal

Jaime and Andrew Damkroger

Kevin Damme

Jana L. Danielson

Jennifer and Dwight Dau

Maureen Davis

Peter Decher

Dawn DeGeorge

Naomi Deines

Heather K. Delmas

Laura and Jason Demman

Deborah K. Denney

Robin and Syl Dennie

Mary Derr

Michael James Devereaux

Dolly DeWald

Kathy and William Dewell

Nathan P. Dickerson

Ashley and Taylor Dieckman

Anton Dimartino

Gloria Dinsdale

Justin R. Disch

Chad R. Dittberner

Jennifer and Lance Dixon

Jeremy Michael Dixon

Jill and William Dmytriw

Susan and Michael Dobel

Shannon and James Dombrowski

Jana and Brian Donahoe

William Donaldson

Chris E. Dorner

Audrey and Robert Doucette

Stephanie and Ryan Dougherty

Meredith and Tim Dougherty

Anthony Dowling

Douglas Dreessen

Elizabeth Dressler

Julie D. Driftmier

Lee Ann and Aaron Dubberly

John S. Dugger

Stan Dulinski

Courtney and Bradley Dunbar

Catrina P. Dunbar

Lakeisha S. Gatson-Dunham

Kathleen and Robert Dunlay

Jodi and Scott Durbin

John J. Dustin

Mary Anne Dworak

Ronald J. Dy

Courtney A. Dymek

Stephen D. Kathol P.E., S.E.

Rose Marie Earlywine

Andrew Eberhardt

Matthew Echtenkamp

Connie Eckley

Michael K. Eckmann

Christie and Jeremy Eddie

Peter A. Edwards

Gwendolynn and John Edwards

Linda and Christopher Edwards

Alyssa and Matt Eibes

Swapneel J. Ekbote

Richard Ekstrom

Krisha and Mark Ellinger

Stephanie and Chris Ellis

Stephanie and Christopher Ellis

Ronald Emons

Juli M. Engelsman

Donna and James Engle

Kathy L. English

Don Erftmier

Paige l. Erickson

Donna and David Erker

Lynn Lee Espeland

Joseph A. Evans

Stefanie Nicole Evans

Jean Lynn Everhart

Carrie Marie Fair

Seana and Christopher Fairchild

Vincent P. Fallon

Carla and James Farley

Daphne P. Fashing

Dianne and Nicholas Ferrara

Louise and Scott Finkenbinder

Connie and Terry Finney

Katryna Floersch

Brian P. Flynn

Josue J. Fochek

Nora and Jeff Focht

William T. Foley

Jane and Michael Fosdick

Garret Fosmer

Randy Fouts

Jennifer and Jason Fowler

Amy M. Fox

Richard B. Frankenberger

Mark Frantz

Derick Frauendorfer

Debra K. Frazier

Michael Fritz

Travis Fry

Shelley R. Fulton

Thomas J. Gaffney

Teri Harvey- Gallaher and Steven Gallaher

Christian Gallardo

Debora and William Galley

Jason Gallis

Nabi and Frederick Gannon

Irene and James Garbina

Brian Lewis Garcia

Leigh Garvin

Kenneth D. Gaskins

Kathy and Jim Gasper

Ryan Gass

Betsy S. Gassaway

Greg H. Gensler

Aji George

Jerry D. Gerdes

Kyle T. Gerking

Adam R. St Germain

Kenneth E. German

David Germer

Michael W. Gerson

Mary Beth and Scott Geske

Angelo R. Gibson

Cori L. Giddings

Carol Gilbert

Daniel Gilg

John W. Gilliam

Jeremy Givens

Jennifer and Christopher Goble

Kim and Wade Goehring

Karrie and Tom Goff

Jill H. Goldstein

Christine Goodburn

Patricia M. Gorham

Elise Gosch

Lisa and James Grabenbauer

Sheryl L. Graeve

Gail and Shane Graeve

Joan and Cooper Graham

Cindy Gray

Christopher E. Greer

Rebecca B. Gregory

Frances and Mark Grieb

Thomas Griffith

Stephanie and Dennis Griger

Dennis K. Grindle

Daniel B. Gruenes

Adrian Guerrero

Michael P. Guinane

Kathryn R. Gurnett

Krisine and Timothy Hacker

Cynthia Hadsell

Carole and Howard Hahn

Chris F. Halfman

Lisa and Travis Hall

Susan and Nigel Hall

Thomas R. Hall

Thomas J. Halpin

Benjamin Hamilton

Kristina and Brandon Hamm

Gregory Hamm

Hollie and Rami Hanash

Jack and Peg Hannam Fund

Kris and Richard Hansen

Geri M. Hansen

Burdell J. Hansen Jr.

Debra L. Kopecky Hansen

Lisa and Gregory Hanson

Jianqiang Hao

Lynn Harland

Brian L. Harr

Jeffrey Harrison

Kristine Thomas and William Harrison

Kellie R. Harry

Barbara L. Hartmann

Dana and Gary Harvey

Jordan R. Hasan

Charles Haskell

Amy and Anthony Hatcher

Kent E. Hattery

Justin Haugen

Mary and James Hawkins

Kyle J. Haynes

Lauren L. Bodhaine-Haywood

Zachary Heath

William H. Heavey Jr.

Barbara and Michael Hechtner

Juliana and David Hefflinger

Stephanie and James Heimann

Jill and Donald Heine

Kathleen S. Hekl

Karen Heng

Tiffany D. Henn

Katherine and Michael Henry

Dawn M. Henson

Rita and Roger Hermsen

Brad Herrboldt

Jamie Herrman

Pam and Conal Hession

Joshua Hiatt

Pamela M. Hicks

Norma C. Hinchcliff

Christina L. Hinton

Julie and Brett Hiscock

Shannon and Josh Hite

Barbara and Byron Hobson

Jason R. Hoellen

Douglas J. Hoff

Erik O. Hoiekvam

Jeffery A. Holden

Jessica and Jake Holdenried

Jonna and Timonthy Holland

Stephanie Hollinger

Emily N. Hollingsworth

Richard A. Holmes

Daniel C. Holoch

Mary and Harold Holoun

Diane and Paul Holubeck

Shelley and Michael Homa

Joslynn A. Hon

John J Hoodjer

William Horan

Jason D. Hormann

Amy L. Van Horne

Ron J. Horner

Marla Horsley

Diana L. Hough

Sheri and Darrin Howard

Danielle S. Howell

Sharon and Grant Hrabovsky

Nancy Huber

Charles D. Huddleston

Katie and James Huerter

Todd G. Huffman

Stacy Hughes

Joanne and Allan Hull

Benjamin S. Humann

Heather and Auri Hummel

Teresa C. Hunter

Allison A. Hurt

Teri and Scott Huscroft

Sherrye and Westly Hutcherson

Hasan Hyder

Sarah and Daniel Hyslop

Patrick J. Ickes

Molly A. Ingalls

Casey Ingalls

Carolyn L. Ireland

Maureen Irish

Kristine and Eliot Irons

Makram Bou Ismail

Michelle Jackson

Dean and Maria Jacobsen Donor Fund

Lauren Jambor

Jackie and Lonnie Janecek

Lee Alan Janecek

Sara and Grant Janke

Taylor W. Jans

Philip J. Janulewicz

Deborah and Rody Janzen

Mindy M. Jarecki

Kathleen D. Jeffers

Annette M. Sarazine-Jensen

Darryl G. Jernigan

Jennifer Wolfe Jerram

Nicole and John Jesse

David Jesse

Nancy Jewell

Nathan A. Johns

Jamie and Joel Johns

Mike Johnson

Cesile Johnson

Richard D. Johnson

Jay C Johnson

Wesley A. Johnson

Abbey and Eric Johnson

Clint Johnson

Ken Johnson

Loraine and Garry Johnson

Ian C. Johnson

Loraine D. Johnson

Cindy and Cecil Jones

Jaime M. Jones

Sandra Jones

Bryan Jones

Kari and Jeffrey Jorth

Mark A. Kable

Christina D. Kahler

Jacob Kahre

David Kain

Marsha and Christopher Kalkowski

Tonya and Brian Kaminski

Robert L. Kardell

Kris Karnes

Cindy K. Kastens

Trish and Randy Kathol

Jennifer and Nathan Kauffman

Kevin L. Kaup

Jill E. Kawecki

Janelle and Kirk Kay

Patricia M. Keairnes

Chris Keckeisen

Mary Ann Goodrich-Keep and Scott Keep

Michael and Barbara Kelly Charitable Fund

Robin and Carl Kempkes

Meg and Daniel Kennelly

Kate and Joseph Kenny

Kate Kenny

Marilyn and James Kerkhove

William Kernen

Edward Ketcham

Patrick S. Kilcoyne

Lauren and Mark Kimball

Rachael Kimball

James King

Tami and Troy King

Mary Jean King

Teresa R. Kingsbury

Gary W. Kipp

Kylie and Jesse Kirby

Joseph F. Kirby

Leann K. Kirchner

Carol Kirchner

Caryn and Adam Kirkebak

Doug W. Klahn

Anita K. Klanderud

Marcia and Carmen Klein

Sara and David Klein

Theresa and Ralph Kleinsmith

Lisa Ten and Monte Kley

Amanda Klug

Roxanne Alter and Donald Kluthe

Bridget and Ken Knaub

Stacy and Jude Knipper

Joseph M. Koch

Kelly J. C. Koch

Larry Kochen

Vicki and David Kolarik

Liz and Corey Kopiasz

Christopher R. Kopiasz

Theodore Korolchuk

Robyn and James Kortan

Erica and Christopher Koslosky

Jennifer L. Kramer

Ty Marvin Kreitman

Jacki L. Krenzer

Margaret A. Kriha

Santha D. Krishnan

Kenneth M. Kroeger

Shawntell Kroese

Angela and Steven Kroymann

Tabitha and Brian Kruger

Kristy J. Jaixen-Krupa

Lindsay and Matthew Kruse

Nicole R. Kucera

Catherine and Anthony Kuester

Michael J. Kuester

Prakash Tarachand Kukreja

Deepa Vasanth Kumar

Geraldine and Thomas Kunkel

Ryan Kunkel

Renae M. Kurmel

Pamela Kurz

Jacqueline Kay Kuta

Christi Labs

Alan E. LaFollette

Karen A. Lagerstrom

Nick J. Lampe

Gina Langel

Gregory C. Lanning

Mckayen Larock

Wendi and Douglas Law

Courtney E. Lawrenson

Julie and David Lazure

Sue and Matthew Leach

Rebecca S. Lebsack

Michelle and Shawn Lee

Weslyene R. Lee

Kathy and Ron Lee

Lisa and Christopher Lehan

Lori and Mark Lehman

Margaret and Scott Leighton

Crystal L. Lender

Lori Lentsch

Jeffrey H. Lenz

Kimberly S. Lesinski

John Jeanetta and Rob LeTourneau

Susan L. Lewis

Carol and Roger Lewis

David L. Lewman

Richard L. Lichtas

Anne and Geoffrey Lieben

Daniel Lilley

Joani and Joseph Lillo

Darice M. Limpp

Patrick Linden

Jennifer L. Lindsay

Daniel Lindsay

Frank S. Lococo

Kim and Michael Loeffler

Laurie and Marlon Lofgren

Ruben Lopez

Troy Loseke

Joy Luebve

Julie L. Luedtke

Kathleen and Ronald Lund

Katherine A. Lunzmann

Desiree Lynch

Johanna Lyon

Naomi J. Lyon

Colee Maass

Jonathan A. Macapinlac

Christopher Mack

Heidi and Thomas Macy

John S. Maczynski

Rob B. Maglinger

David W. Magnuson

Mitzi and Richard Magsam

Christopher G. Maloney

Charles Manternach

Joyce Marasco

Delette Marengo

James Marion

Brian Marta

Sarah and Aaron Martens

Heather Ann Martin

Ann and Andrew Massey

Jeffrey A. Massey

Melissa A. Matczak

Shana L. Matheny

Steve B. Matthews

Martin J. Matukewicz

Jaime L. Maus

Andrew E. Max

Terrill Maxwell

Maria Mayorga

Kirt V. McAlpine

Timothy McAreavey

Edward V. McCarty

Joseph McCaslin

Pamela and Thomas McCawley

Mary L. McClarnon

Jill and Matt McClure

Tamela L. McCreadie

Karen and Mike McCreery

Michael McDoniel

Patrick Ryan McGill

Leonore and Jeffrey McGuire

Jen S. McGuire

Michael McKay

Mark E. McKenzie

Jenniferr and Steven McKern

Deborah and Michael McLarney

Daniel C. McLaughlin

Tim S. McMahan

Mary J. McNamee

Jacqueline Young-McQuillan and Brian McQuillan

Kristine and Craig McVea

Lori Meays

Jared Meays

Dana Medeiros

JoAnn and David Medeiros

Megan and Kenneth Meier

Amy and Andrew Melville

Nancy and Eric Mensch

Jerry R. Mensinger

Joni Mertz

Andrew Metzger

Richard D. Meuret

Diane and Michael Meyer

Jane and Philip Meyer

Matthew Meyer

Michael P. Meyers

Kathryn and Michael Miles

Mary K. Millard

Mark W. Miller

Kayla Miller

Sarah and Derek Miller

Dianna and Gary Miller

Daniel E. Miller

Sara J. Milnes

Craig Mitchell

Matthew W. Modica

Michael T. Mollner

Nigel B. Moodley

Steven Moore

Erin Moran

Bobbie and Kevin Moran

James Morbach

Kathryn J. Morris

Randall Morriss

Jeffry Morrissette

Mindy and Robert Morrissey

Trisha M. Moses

Perry Mostek

Cynthia Mowery

Lori K. Mueller

Michelle and David Muirhead

Janice and Jay Muller

Teresa and Tracy Mumford

Jamie and Brian Mundt

and Jenny and Richard Munro

Benjamin Murphy

Theresa M. Murphy

Ellin and Dennis Murphy

Terrence T. Murphy

Brian Myers

Elizabeth Nannen

Gerald V. Navarra Jr.

Stacy and Chris Neil

Cindy and Mark Nelson

Matthew Nelson

Kellie K. Neth

Christine A. Neuharth

Debbie and Lonnie Newkirk

Stephanie and Augustino Nguyen

Margaret M. Nguyen

Megan Nicolaisen

Julie Nielsen

Samantha J. Nieto

Jeanne and Troy Nissen

Allan S. Noddle

Nathan D. Nolte

Michael Patrick Noonan

Dorine and Travis Nordstrom

Richard A. Norton

Adriana Cisneros Basulto and Joshua Norton

Dean Nosbisch

Jan and Larry Novicki

Tamara and Thomas Nussrallah

Clayton Kane Oakley

Douglas L. Obermeier

Christie and Gustavo Oberto

Kelli Erin O’Brien

Diane and Cory O’Brien

Timothy O’Brien

Patrick O’Brien

Maureen M. O’Connor

Laura B. O’Connor

James R. O’Dell

Susan E. Ogle

Michele M. Okon

Douglas Scott Oldaker

Marilyn D. Oldenhuis

Frank C. Oldenhuis

Jennifer and John Oliver

Steven J. Olson

David L. Olson

Ronda A. Onsager

Kay Ontiveros

Giuliana and Brian Oppliger

Simona I. Oprea

David M. Orchard

Mara L. Orsi

Douglas S. Osborn

Lauren and Paul Osborne

Hannah E. Osowski

Shawn N. Ossenfort

Andrea and Ryan Oswald

Scot Ouellette

Garrett L. Owen

Kay and Robert Owen

Jacqueline and Patrick Palmer

Shauna R. Paolini

Mara and Ryan Paradis

Jennifer and Michael Parker

Mary C. Parrish

Andra and Matthew Parry

Polly and Frank Partsch

Janette M. Patterson

Melanie S. Patton

Steven Peake

Holly Pearson

Connie and Kyle Pearson

Selena J. Pease

Kathy Peissig

Christine and Parry Pellman

Ronald D. Peoples Jr.

Lisa A. Perkins

Donald A. Perrault

Nancy F. Peters

Krystal Peters

Jamie Peters

Mary Peters

Wade Petersen

Patricia and Thomas Peterson

Adria L. Peterson

Kathleen and Michael Peterson

Mark D. Pfeifer

Alicia Pfeifer

Jane and Christopher Phillips

Ernesto Pichardo

Ryan J. Pichler

Stacey Pick

Barbara A. Pickett

Justin Max Piittmann

Cynthia and Vincent Pille

Jeffrey Pincock

Mindi L. Ping

Kevin Pinkerton

Amber and Adam Piper

Samuel Pirruccello

Thomas E. Pisarri

Andrew Poeckes

Trevor P. Poland

Jennifer and Christopher Polenz

Dan Pongratz

Brian D. Poppe

Heidi and Matt Pospisil

Bradley Powers

Kim A. Preheim

Amber and Stephen Preston

Patrick Prince

Katie Privitera

Carmen and Lawrence Quint

Jonna and Donald Radtke

Glenna and Frederick Rahn

Michelle and Robert Ramaekers

Sravanthi Ramireddy

Sharleen A. Rapp

Jessie and Dean Rasmussen

Rebecca and Erik Rawson

David Allan Rech

Scott Reed

Conrad Reeson

Benjamin N. Reicks

Arden M. Reid III

Kristin and Thomas Reimers

Sarah S. Reineke

Michelle and John Reinhardt

Chad M. Reynolds

Rex A. Rezac

Rodney Rhoden

Remy Rice

Adrieene and Brent Richard

Lisa and Charles Richardson

Ashley Richardson

Nicole and Scott Riche

Patricia Richey

Brent A. Richter

Christopher J. Richters

Lou D. Rickers

John S. Rickert

Mary A. Rieschl

Renan J. Rieur

Steven Rippe

Judith and James Ristow

Suzanne M. Ritchie

Barbara C. Rizvi

Donna M. Robinson

Angelica Robinson

Marlene and Lloyd Roduner

Kevin D. Rogert

Laura Rogge

David P. Rohan

Tiffany and Scott Rohlfs

Nancy and Keith Rohwer

Jacob Rosebaugh

Connie Roseberry

Kathryn Waldron-Roshone and John Roshone

Marcus O. Ross

David Ross

Terri and Phillip Rossbach

Patrice and Michael Roth

Alexis Rothenberg

Serena Rother

Christopher Nicholas Routh

Stephanie Roy

Danielle and Frank Rozmus

Jon R. Ruby

Heidi Rueda

Natalie and Neil Runyon

Cynthia and Patrick Rupp

Kristin Rupprecht

Carol and Richard Russell

Chad Ruwe

Ashton Sabel

David Saccoman

Michael Sackett

Brian R. Salak

Molly and Craig Sall

Aaron W. Salmi

Brian D. Salmon

Pallavi Samant

Steven J. Samson

Kurtis Samson

Jill Samuelson

Katie Sanders

Rebecca L. N. Sandiland

Barb and Chris Sanford

Kevin M. Sass

Tiffany A. Sauer

Bonnie and James Savine

Darbi and Gregory Scaglione

Gaye Lynn and Joe Schaffart

Renay Robison-Scheer and Kendall Scheer

Glen D. Schiltz

Patricia Sue Schleiger

Geralynne Schmid

Christopher Schmidt

Sherry L. Schneider

Tracy and Bill Schomers

Ann and Mike Schow

Carol A. Schram

Debra J. Schrampfer

Danette and Jason Schroeder

Pamela S. Schulte

Brandee and Greg Schultz

Philip M. Schultz

Jane Schumacher

Donald Schwalm

Kevin W. Schwarting

Kimberly K. Scott

Brendy Jean Sealock

Karen and Charles Sederstrom

Janet E. Seger

Lisa and Scott Seier

Frank R. Semin

Mary Jo and Kerry Shaffar

Melissa S. Shallberg

Jeffrey Sheldon

Russel Shue

Corrie and Jesse Shumaker

Terri L. Sills

Adam J. Simeon

Kieth A. Simmons

Lauretta and Matthew Simon

Mark Singer

Robert Singleton

Marilyn and Michael Sitorius

Kyle Skiermont

Gary Skybo

Barry N. Sladek

William L. Sloane

Scot Sloboth

Sarah and Jesse Sly

Bradley Smith

Carl V. Smith

Jacques Smith III

Michelle L. Smithberg

Dennis Snook

John and Loretta Snyder

Cari Sommer Charitable Fund

Mary and Leonard Sommer

Amy Sorenson

Michael Sorum

Beth and Mark Soulliere

Matthew J. Speiker

Brian J. Spencer

Sandra A. Spicciati

Doug Spire

Rebekah and Clint Sporhase

Kim and Scott Spratlen

Karen and Tony Spurlock

Deborah and Kip Squire

Adam Thomas Staebell

Nathan A. Stahlke

Sharon B. Stahr

Janette and Alan Stanek

Janis M. Starman

Jason Steele

Matthew Steele

Amy and Connors Steil

Mike L. Stemm

Michelle Stenslokken

Jill Bazzell-Stenstrom

Sheri and Loyd Stephens

Randy J. Stephenson

James K. Sterling

Brock Stewart

Tina Stewart

Bradley K. Stock

Michelle E. Stolte

Honorable Jean L. Stothert

Kelley and Steven Stotts

Kay and Raymond Stoupa

Dawn and Paul Straub

Sharon and Robert Stubbe

Susan D. Studnicka

Nannette Sudman

Jeffrey Suhr

Debra Suing

Holly and Jack Sullivan

Jesse Sullivan

Timothy Sullivan

Kristen A. Suski

Ashley Sutera

John and Janet Sutera

Joe Svoboda

Kent R. Svoboda

Randa Zalman and James Svoboda

Tracy L. Swanson

Teresa and Mark Swanson

Katherine H. Swanson

Helen Atwater and Marvin Taylor

Kirsti and James Taylor

Brad Taylor

Jessica Warren Teamer

Jennifer L. Tesnohlidek

Tamara L. Teten

Ryan L. Teter

Kerri Teter

Srinivas Piapati and Sandhya Thamma

Fred Thayer

Betty and Gene Theel

Ray Thiele

Bryan William Thier

Dean J. Thoene

Joseph Thomas

Katie Thomas

Kevin P. Thompson

Jan and Mike Thompson

Cynthia A. Thompson

Chad Thompson

James Thompson

Jon S. Thompson

Nancy Thompson

Mary Green and Wallace Thoreson

Karen and John Thurber

Jennifer and Greg Tiarks

Christine Tilford

Jayne L. Timmerman

Morgan R. Timperley

Elizabeth Tipton

Steven Tisinger

Ann and Kurt Tjaden

Christopher Tomcak

Kala K. Tomjack

Rosie and Gerald Tomka

Lindsey and Christopher Tonniges

Jessica Peterson and dan Torczon

Heather and Andres Torres

Cody Townsley

Emily P. Tracy

Michelle and Joshua Tresemer

Mark D. Trumble

Thomas F. Tryner

Kosei Tsukada

Shawn Tumey

Tammy M. Tusa

Pam and Gregory Twist

Linda and Jay Twomey

Ken Tyler

Tami and David Ulch

Julia and James Ulrich

Bradley Underwood

William J. Unger

Sheri R. Uno

Dalan Urquhart

Thomas J. Vaiskunas

Stacy R. Vance

Lesile and Joel VanderVeen

Lori J. Vandeventer

Amy and Jay Vankat

Julie and Timothy Vasquez

April J. Veline

Carolyn Vencil

Elonda and Joshua Vlietstra

Lora and Kyle Vohl

Gary E. Voogd

Nicole and Justin Vossen

Jerold B. Vuchak

Steve C. Wade

Ann Addison-Wageman and Jeffrey Wageman

Carolyn McNamara and John Wagner

Paul F. Wahlmeier

Shannon and Michael Walenta

Megan Walker

Matthew T. Wallen

Martha and Jeffrey Wanning

Cami and Blake Warneke

Tara and Jeffrey Warren

Cheri J. Warren

James Waszak

Samuel L. Watson

Diana and Mark Watton

Ryan J. Watzke

David L. Waymire

David E. Weaver

Kari A. Webber

Sarah and Jonathan Weber

Kim and James Weeks

Thea and Thomas Weinandt

Amber and Tanner Weir

Nancy and Jim Weiss

Jennifer E. Wemhoff

Mindi Wendel

Dan and Ann Wenzl

Kristina and Chad Werner

Michaela and Bradley Westin

John W. Weyenberg

Wendy S. Whalen

Emily Wiest

Anna L. Castner Wightman

Gina and Jeffrey Wiitanen

Linda and Bruce Wilkie

Shelly and Craig Wilkins

Yinglin Chen and Charles Willeman

Tammy and John Williams

Sherry L. Williams

Lynn Williams

Kim and Michael Williams

Jeffery Williamson

Laurel and John Willis

Jake Willman

Lucy and Doug Wilson

Carole and Andrew Wilson

Wayne B. Wilson

Ada Wilson

Jennifer L. Wilson

Billie J. Wilson

Tanya A. Winegard

Casey Winkel

Tammy M. Winterboer

Genette C. Wirtz

Joseph Wissing

Matthew Witt

Daniel E. Witt

Molly B. Witzenburg

Michael Wohlwend

Brandy Wojtkiewicz

Ryan Wolfe

Kelly M. Wolfsbauer

Vickie L. Wonder

Margery and Stephan Woodman

Kristine and Tom Woods

Barbara and David Woods

Martha A. Woods

Bretton R. Worick

Stephanie and Christopher Worley

Thomas C. Wortmann

Joseph Woster

Andy T. Xydakis

Pamela Yenko

Heather and William Young

Sherry S. Young

Brett R. Young

Donghui Yuan

Barb Zabel

Alyssa and Jason Zabloudil

Mark D. Zagurski

Martha and Bob Zajicek

Jeanette R. Zenner

Weining Zhen

Micki and Leo Zoucha

Carrie and Kenneth Zoucha