City of Omaha ARPA Investments

In 2022, United Way of the Midlands (UWM) in partnership with the City of Omaha, administered $5 million over two years through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). These fiscal recovery funds were distributed to area nonprofits providing essential needs services including access to food and shelter, homeless prevention, access to physical and mental health care, health promotion and education, financial literacy and family support


Through UWM’s Community Investment Review Team (CIRT) process, volunteers and staff recommended investing in 24 agencies who presented a compelling use of funds in response to COVID. In partnership with additional investments led by the Omaha Community Foundation, these programs will accelerate economic recovery and serve high-need populations disproportionally impacted by COVID.

The funded agencies include:


The ARPA investment process is closed to applicants. No additional funding cycles are expected. Current recipients report quarterly in accordance with City of Omaha and U.S. Treasury guidelines. For more information about the City of Omaha ARPA program visit American Rescue Plan Act – City of Omaha.

“As the pandemic tested our community, exposed barriers to opportunity and widened gaps for many families – it also highlighted the resiliency of nonprofit organizations and the populations they serve. Thanks to the leadership of Mayor Stothert and the City of Omaha, our community had the loudest, most important voice in determining how to direct ARPA dollars where they are needed most,” said Shawna Forsberg, president and CEO, United Way of the Midlands. “United Way of the Midlands and our volunteer network has been honored to facilitate this process on behalf of the City, and serve in this position of trust alongside the Omaha Community Foundation.”