United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline Addresses Transportation Needs in the Metro by Partnering with Lyft

United Way of the Midlands is proud to announce the local launch of Ride United, an initiative that provides free rides and other transportation resources to those in need. Limited...

Annual Meeting

Special thank you to Cobalt Credit Union for sponsoring this event, to Tim and Terri Burke for presenting the Campaign Recognition Awards, to Annette and Paul Smith for presenting the...

Local Businesses Recognized for Their Generosity at United Way of the Midlands’ Annual Meeting

During its Annual Meeting and Luncheon today, United Way of the Midlands (UWM) was proud to present its second annual “Campaign Recognition Awards:” “Volunteer Organization of the Year,” “New Business...

United Way honors Omahans Wally and Barbara Weitz for fighting ‘subtle social disaster’

Barbara and Wally Weitz were named the United Way of the Midlands' 2019 "Citizens of the Year." Wally Weitz first heard of United Way when he was 8 years old....

Kellogg partners with Boxed to launch disaster relief campaign for Omaha and Iowa area flood victims

BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Oct. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Kellogg Company today announced it has partnered with online retailer Boxed and United Way of the Midlands to help local families still struggling in...

Kellogg partners with Boxed to launch disaster relief campaign for Omaha and Iowa area flood victims

BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Oct. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Kellogg Company today announced it has partnered with online retailer Boxed and United Way of the Midlands to help local families still struggling in...

Emerging Leaders News

As we enter a new school year, we want to thank United Way of the Midlands' Emerging Leaders group for supporting literacy! To recap, last year the Emerging Leaders: Raised...

