United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline Addresses Transportation Needs in the Metro by Partnering with Lyft

United Way of the Midlands is proud to announce the local launch of Ride United, an initiative that provides free rides and other transportation resources to those in need. Limited...

LB641 Bill to Provide State Funding to United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline Signed into Law

On May 29, Gov. Pete Ricketts signed LB641 into law, ensuring United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline will receive $300,000 in state funding each year for the next two years. The bill...

Flooding in Nebraska and Iowa Met With Outpouring of Generosity

As flood waters devastated communities and farmland in Nebraska and Iowa, people near and far responded with love, empathy and an impressive can-do spirit.   So far, United Way of...

Iowa flooding: Here’s how to donate, volunteer and otherwise help victims in western Iowa

Iowa flooding: Here's how to donate, volunteer and otherwise help victims in western Iowa Shelby Fleig, Des Moines RegisterPublished 1:29 p.m. CT March 20, 2019 | Updated 2:16 p.m. CT March...

