United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline Addresses Transportation Needs in the Metro by Partnering with Lyft

United Way of the Midlands is proud to announce the local launch of Ride United, an initiative that provides free rides and other transportation resources to those in need. Limited...

Birdies for Books

Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsor Fidelity National Title Group, Eagle Sponsors OPPD and MUD, Tara Hills Golf Course staff, our volunteers and to all the fabulous golfers who came...

Save the Date: Day of Caring Volunteer Projects Scheduled for September 20

Hundreds of volunteers will be rolling up their sleeves and getting to work on behalf of area nonprofit organizations on September 20th – United Way of the Midlands’ (UWM) 18th...

United Way to Kick Off 2019 Fundraising Drive with Celebratory Breakfast on Thursday, August 29

United Way of the Midlands (UWM) will kick off its annual fundraising campaign and recognize community members who contribute their time, talent and resources to the metro during a celebratory...

Omaha Metro Joins Nationwide Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

The Omaha metro has taken a major step toward improving student success by joining the nationwide Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR), a collaborative effort to improve reading proficiency and early...

Share Our Table

“How do we get more people at the table?” On Friday, approximately 150 people from across the community gathered at Metropolitan Community College to celebrate the launch of “Share Our...

United Way Volunteers Help 500 Kids Kick-Start A Summer of Reading

The more you read over the summer, the more you learn – at least according to young Kenley Spencer. “When I go back to school, I’ll have more knowledge to...

LB641 Bill to Provide State Funding to United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline Signed into Law

On May 29, Gov. Pete Ricketts signed LB641 into law, ensuring United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline will receive $300,000 in state funding each year for the next two years. The bill...

